πŸš€ GTM Club Newsletter #12: Introducing Talent Pool and Qualification Frameworks

Today, we are excited to introduce the GTM Club Talent Pool. After that, we will discuss lead qualification and how related frameworks have evolved from traditional budget-driven methods to modern customer-centric approaches.

πŸš€ GTM Club Newsletter #12: Introducing Talent Pool and Qualification Frameworks

Welcome to GTM Club Newsletter #12: Today's menu has a special announcement!

  • πŸš€ New: GTM Club Talent Pool - Find your next hire!
  • Qualification - Why it's important and some common frameworks
  • What Experts Say About Lead Qualification

πŸ†• Introducing GTM Club Talent Pool

Oh boy, this is exciting! This week, we launch our free talent matchmaking service πŸš€

Join GTM Club Talent Pool to find your next role.
GTM Club Talent Pool welcomes all GTM professionals regardless of role or location.

For Hiring GTM Leaders:

  1. Each Newsletter will feature up to three profiles from our Talent Pool. The talent is promoted anonymously to enable people who are not openly searching to participate.
  2. If any of the profiles interest you, message me (Ilkka) on LinkedIn. I will then share your information with the candidate.
  3. If interest is mutual, I'll make an intro, and parties will take it from there.

For Talent:

  1. If you want to be included in the Talent Pool, contact me (Ilkka, again) on LinkedIn.
  2. I will send you a form to complete so I can collect the necessary information.
  3. You’re in!
See a talent of interest or want to be included as a candidate? Message Ilkka on LinkedIn.